Information Management
Use of information to support decision making.
- Financial Planning (Budgets)
- Business Intelligence / Analytical Projects
• Governance / Data Quality
• ETL / Datawarehouse
• OLAP / Reporting / Dashboard / Pull BI models
- Business Intelligence / Analytical Projects
- GIS (Geographic Information Systems)
- Peoplecounter
- APM (Aplication performance management)

Software Development
Design and Development of Custom Software
- More than 100 projects developed and implemented
- Experience projects financed by: Banco Mundial, UNDP, IDB, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional, among others.

SPN Software
From an Operational Management to a Human Talent Management.
Currently, the focus and priority of the areas of Human Resources or Human Resources is to work on what is called Human Talent Management.
Those purely operational activities of processes related to the personnel of the organization should not prevent them from advancing to another stage. This new stadium requires putting into practice at least the 10 key processes in Talent Management. These processes aim to capture, develop, motivate and retain the employees of the organization.
These 10 processes are:
Planning, Recruitment, Incorporation, Strategic Plan, 360 Evaluations, Leadership, Development, Acknowledgments, Competencies and Retention.
A fundamental piece of support to implement these processes is to have a Software Platform that includes them.
SPN Software , developed by the Dominican firm Pontezuela Tech, covers most of these processes in an integral manner, including the payroll calculation component and all the interfaces and requirements of the Tax, Labor and Tax Codes. of Social Security of the Dominican Republic.
Talent management is an old concept that has been developing and growing in importance as companies have realized that what drives the success of their business are the talent and skills of their employees.
The objective of organizations that have put talent management into practice do so to solve the problem of employee retention.
Talent management is valued even more when organizations discover that it is three times more expensive for them to make a new contract than to retain some of their most valuable assets.

IT Consulting and Integration Projects
Management of integration projects in Information Technology:
- EQM (Enterprise Quality Management)
SoftExpert SE Suite (Documentation, audits, processes, action plans)
- EQM (Enterprise Quality Management)
- Monitoring / tracking platforms
- Email Marketing y Automation
- Email marketing
• PDF/Tables and Custom Images.
- Email marketing
- Service Manager Software ITSFM
- Studies and Market Research / Data

Training and consulting on good practices in Information Technology.
- Good Practices:
• ITIL v3
• CobIT 5
• ISO27001
- Good Practices:
- Methodologies:
• Scrum
• Engineering Requirements
• Software Quality Assurance
• Datawarehouse

- ORACLE Professional Services Database and Application Server